Having heard that it is quite a bit warmer in Scottsdale, Finn and Leon hitched a ride from beautiful downtown West Jordan and headed to Arizona. When they got there, they admitted that the weather was a bit warmer than in West Jordan, but that knowledge didn’t do much for […]
Finn and Leon
In honor of Armistice Day, now called Veterans Day, Finn and Leon walked through Memory Park and contemplated the many brave men and women in the Military; past and present. “To us in America, the reflections of Armistice Day will be filled with lots of pride in the heroism of […]
Finn and Leon, thinking that they were starting to become famous, felt the need to walk around in disguise. They thought that this was necessary in order to avoid being recognized by all of their crazed fans. “We have crazed fans?” asked Finn. “Well…no”, replied Leon. The only person who […]
Thinking that this was going to be an easy job, Finn and Leon agreed to try their hand at being receptionists. But after sitting there for a while and observing all the work that the regular receptionists did, they changed their minds. “Wow! These ladies do a heckuva a lot […]
Finn and Leon had wandered around for a few days, looking for something interesting to do. And even though they actually did pass many, many interesting things to do, they were so busy wondering that they didn’t notice. When a nice passerby made that observation about them, they then started […]
Hungry after a night of trick-or-treating, Finn and Leon thought that it would be a good time to have some soup. As the soup was being prepared by a nice passerby (what the nice passerby was doing in the kitchen, Finn and Leon didn’t bother to ask), Finn asked Leon […]
Finn and Leon found out that they would be able to walk around the neighborhood, knock on doors, hold out a sack and people would give them candy; for free! How could they pass that one up? The only glitch was that they had to dress up in a costume […]
Finn and Leon were walking past a room that had some very interesting modern art in it. They went into the room and stared at the art on the walls. One particular piece of art really grabbed their attention. They weren’t sure why it grabbed their attention, but it did. […]
Finn and Leon, in New York once again, were walking along 79th Street near Amsterdam Avenue where they passed a cool-looking old building. There was a nice man in a uniform standing by the door, letting people in and out. So Finn and Leon walked over to see if they […]
Thinking once again that it would be fun to go back to the house with the piano, Finn and Leon started walking. When they got to the house with the piano, they noticed that the door was being opened to let a dog in. So Finn and Leon ran as […]
While Finn and Leon were at the United States Disc Golf Championships, they walked past the Winthrop University Coliseum where a whole bunch of flags had been placed. They wondered who put all of those flags there next to the Winthrop University Coliseum; there sure were a bunch of ‘em! […]
Finn and Leon both had the wonderful opportunity to visit Winthrop University in Rock Hill, South Carolina for the 12th United States Disc Golf Championships. As they were walking along the road on their way to the disc golf course, they asked a nice passerby where would be a good place […]
“I’ve been thinking”, Finn said to Leon. “What about?”, asked Leon. “I’m not sure”, replied Finn. “Then how do you know you’ve been thinking?”, asked Leon. Finn didn’t respond to that one. Then, as Finn and Leon were standing on the train tracks, Finn said to Leon again, “I’ve been […]
Finn and Leon really enjoyed their time in New York. They were able to see many things that they had never seen before. Leon, who had already been to New York, even saw things he hadn’t seen before! Like pigeons! Now, you’d think that Leon would have seen pigeons before […]
Finn and Leon both thought that not only is Central Park big, but it takes up a lot of space on the ground. And if you’re going to walk to where you’re going, you’ll have to walk all the way from where you started. At least, that’s what they found […]