Last week’s challenge in the Nicolesy 52 photo challenge was “patterns” and this week, for week 10 its “symmetry”. They share some similar elements. For example, if I had known that symmetry was going to be the next topic, I would have saved the photo I took of the brick wall for symmetry instead of for pattern. But that’s OK.
Artichoke Twirled in Photoshop Apple “Bottles in a box” twirled in Photoshop Bottles in a box Just slinkying around with symmetry Twirled in Photoshop Mandarin Orange
Here are the various stages of the creation of the “Glass Ball Tree” photo as a twirled image using Photoshop:
And here are the various stages of the creation of the “Peter Max Yes Logo” as a twirled image using Photoshop. I added the pink oval with a black background to reduce the amount of white space in the result:
This is what the twirled Yes Logo looks like without the pink and black oval:
And here’s one more Yes Logo