The theme for week 38 of the 52 Photo Challenge was “Face”. This is the first face photo I took for the challenge. I couldn’t resist submitting a photo of something other than a human or animal face. As part of this theme, I learned that the tendency to see […]
It’s been a busy month and I’ve taken quite a few photos since the Kansas City Great Balloon Glow. For example, I was playing a round of disc golf with Cory at Prairie Center Park and I saw this tree. It was backlit by the sun and one of the […]
I attended Kansas City’s second annual Great Balloon Glow at the National World War I Museum and Memorial on Saturday, August 20, 2022. There were a lot of people there and a few balloons, too. But definitely more people than balloons.
The last three topics for Nicolesy’s 52 Photo Challenge are week 27 “Starburst”, week 29 “Macro” and week 31 “Big Sky”. Actually, there was a fourth topic that I didn’t actually take a photo for, and that one is week 30 “Backlight”. I was traveling to Salt Lake City during […]
The topics in the Nicolesy 52 Photo Challenge for the last weeks 26 and 27 were: “Think in Threes” and “Starburst”. These are the photos that I took for these two topics; although one of these photos may have been taken before the topics were announced
Here’s another post that combines two weeks-worth of Nicolesy 52 Photo Challenge topics: week 24: Reflection and week 25: Contrasting Color.
This post has photos from two different Nicolesy 52 Photo Challenge topics for week 22 and 23: Food and Abstract. “Lisa’s abstract art” was from a project that Lisa was doing in preparation of doing an Eric Carle-inspired art project. Ellie and I started the white board drawing with blue […]
The Nicolesy 52 Photo Challenge topic for week 18 was “water”. I happened to be looking out the window that overlooks our neighbor’s back yard and noticed their tree through the rain-streaked glass, so I grabbed my camera and captured it, being sure to focus on the raindrops and not […]
I’m combining two different Nicolesy 52 Photo Challenge topics into one post. The topic for week 16 was “Flat Lay”, where we had to take a picture of one or more items lying flat on a surface and take the photo from above. Too bad I forgot to use some […]
Cory has been actively working on developing his disc golf game using his left hand. As part of his learning, he asked me to photograph his right-hand drive and his left-hand drive so that he can compare his technique for each. As a result of his request, I put together […]
The week 12 theme in the Nicolesy 52 Photo Challenge is a technique that I’ve worked on for quite some time: sidelights. The idea is to have the subject lit from the side. These photos are some that I took several years ago using this technique: And these are the […]
In honor and celebration of St. Patrick’s Day, week 11’s theme in the Nicolesy 52 photo challenge is “green”. These are a few of the photos I took this week.
Last week’s challenge in the Nicolesy 52 photo challenge was “patterns” and this week, for week 10 its “symmetry”. They share some similar elements. For example, if I had known that symmetry was going to be the next topic, I would have saved the photo I took of the brick […]
As you can probably tell by the image above, I have quite a few books by Dean Koontz. He’s one of my favorite authors and I’ve recently been collecting his books by going to Savers. Savers is a great place to buy used books! The 52 photo challenge by Nicolesy […]
Here is Nicolesy‘s introduction to week 8’s topic of “Negative Space”: “It’s always great to fill the frame with your subject, but sometimes giving your subject room to breathe can make a HUGE impact in the photo. Negative space (also known as ‘copy space’ in the commercial-photography industry) is an […]