As Finn and Leon made their way back from where they were to where they’re weren’t, it started to rain. Actually, it just continued to rain. It had been raining for quite some time. “I like the rain”, said Finn. “Yes, I like it too, but it’s very wet”, said […]
Finn and Leon
It seems as though Finn and Leon are still in the habit of disappearing for days, even weeks at a time. But I’ve managed to find them, again! As you know, there has been a great deal of rain in the past month and it has carried a lot of […]
I was asked the other day where Finn and Leon have been. It seems that no one has seen them for a while. And, coincidentally, just after I was asked that, Finn and Leon showed up! Well, actually, they showed down. It seems that they’ve been “up” for quite a […]
As Finn was lying there, thinking about nothing in particular, Leon said something. “What did you just say?”, asked Finn. “I can hear a funny noise.”, replied Leon. “Oh”, said Finn. Finn continued to lie there, thinking about nothing in particular. Leon said it again, “I can hear a funny […]
Finn saw the garbage can sitting on the street next to the curb and got the idea that it would be a nice gesture to bring it up to the house. Leon agreed. So Leon grabbed the handles and Finn pushed from the other side. Even though the can was […]
Leon had been trying to get the red bike to actually move. But after a few days of not getting anywhere, he decided that Finn was probably right and this wasn’t a bike after all. Actually, he just thought the pedals were broken. So he hoped that someone would come […]
Leon was talking one day about a cool bike he had seen many months ago. Finn, trying really hard to listen intently to what Leon was saying, couldn’t figure out what a bike was. So he asked Leon, “what’s a bike?” Leon was amazed that Finn didn’t know what a […]
Finn and Leon had another opportunity to visit a nice warm place. The nice thing about the nice warm place was that it wasn’t cold like it was in the nice cold place they usually visited. Not that they really cared about the temperature. Because, even in the nice cold […]
Finn and Leon were walking along, minding their own business, which is what they do best, when they noticed a thing sitting inside a place. They wandered over to the thing that was sitting inside a place to get a closer look. As they got closer, the thing looked bigger […]
Finn and Leon overheard a couple of nice passers-by talking about “Fort Cool”. Finn said that Fort Cool sounded like a really fun place to visit. Leon agreed and added that he thought it would be a place with lots of cool rooms and stuff and a big courtyard in […]
“Hey, Leon. Whatcha doin’?”, asked Finn. “Just sittin’ in this basket”, replied Leon. “Yeah, that’s what I’m doin’, too”, agreed Finn. “I’m glad that we’re able to just sit in a basket and do nothin’”, added Leon. “Yup, me too.” agreed Finn.
Finn and Leon, having been kicked out of the building with the cool sign out front, kept wandering around, looking for some way to get on a roof to get a frisbee. And as they walked past the piano house, they noticed something silver-ish leaning against the house. “What’s that […]
Finn and Leon were still unable to find something that would help them get a frisbee off of a roof. But they were having a great deal of fun while they searched! During their search they were walking past a building with a cool sign out front when they decided […]
Finn and Leon were still searching for something to help them get a frisbee off the roof. As they were standing inside a building looking out a window, when they saw a strange looking machine. As they stood there, looking at the strange looking machine, a nice passerby told them […]
Finn and Leon were walking down the street when they passed a nice passerby who was talking to another nice passerby. One nice passerby said to the other, “It was a bit sunny the other day, so my kids and I went outside to play catch with the frisbee that […]