I had some fun this past week capturing some cool colors in October. And the photos of the colorful leaves satisfies week 43’s topic of “Season” in the 52 Photo Challenge.
These first two photos were taken just a few days apart. The first one was taken in the evening with the sun low in the sky which backlit the tree.
The second photo was taken a few days later while it was raining. The different lighting and the water made the colors very different
The following flag and hydrant photos were taken in our front yard. For the flag photo, I had to get an A-Frame ladder to get up high enough for the angle I wanted. And for the hydrant photo, I laid down on the street to get a lower angle; not sure what the neighbors thought, or if they even thought anything at all Photography has its highs and its lows.
The photo of the hour glass was a spontaneous idea that I had as I sat there at my desk. I had recently rearranged the stuff on my desk, and this hour glass was moved to be below a lamp. I turned the lamp on since it was dark outside and liked the way the light shown on the hour glass. I also liked the colors behind it, so I grabbed my camera, and got the shot. No ladders or lying down required.
And as I was leaving the Church after watching the Primary Program that Wil, Kyson and Ellie were in, I looked down at the sidewalk and saw this. I liked the colors and the textures, so I shot it: