It’s been a very long time since Finn and Leon have been around. In fact, it’s been over two years since I’ve seen them. Finn looks the same but Leon looks a little different than he did the last time I saw him. He looks a little shorter. I didn’t dare ask him if he really was shorter, because it had been so long since I had seen him that I felt a little awkward. So I didn’t ask. And Finn was giving me a funny look like he was trying to keep me from asking Leon (every look that Finn gives is funny looking, though). All the more reason why I didn’t ask. Maybe someday I’ll ask, but for now, I won’t.
I did, however, ask them what they were doing; since they were standing next to a cute little Shih Tzu dog when I came across them. They told me that they were keeping Frankie Beans (that’s the name of the cute little Shih Tzu dog they were standing next to) company while he waited for his friend to come home.
What nice creatures Finn and Leon are to wait with Frankie Beans for the return of Frankie Bean’s friend!
As for me, I’m just glad that Finn and Leon have returned (even though I’m REALLY curious as to why Leon looks shorter)!