It seems as though Finn and Leon are still in the habit of disappearing for days, even weeks at a time. But I’ve managed to find them, again! As you know, there has been a great deal of rain in the past month and it has carried a lot of things away. Away down the drains. And away down the streams. And away down the rivers. And away, away, away! Well, Finn and Leon were no exception.
No sooner had they landed from being whirled away around the world while hanging from an umbrella, they were whisked away down a river. Fortunately, they had both let go of the umbrella and somehow managed to land back in it after it had turned over. At first, Leon was all flustered that they were going to get wet from all the rain. Finn, not at all flustered, agreed with Leon that yes, they were going to get wet from all the rain. After all, an umbrella doesn’t do much good to protect you from the rain unless you’re hanging below it. And then Finn noticed that the umbrella was keeping them from falling in the water and getting even more wet! He mentioned this fact to Leon, who just said, “hrrmphh”. And then they both laid back and relaxed in the umbrella while they floated wherever the water would take them.

At one point in time while floating around, they came really close to the shore, but they were both asleep and didn’t notice. Ah well, maybe they’ll come back again someday.