This post was written by Aisza Wilde: Wow – last night’s Science of Getting Rich Club was so cool! We have so many different people from so many different backgrounds and all have something valuable to offer. I have often said that Steven is the magic of this group. Last […]
Salt Lake SGR Club
Hello my dear friend, I read something the other day I want to share with you. “People can only love you to the capacity that they are able to love themselves. They can only forgive and embrace you to the capacity that they are able to forgive and embrace themselves. […]
This universe that we live in operates in a very precise order. There are laws that govern how this universe operates. We, as human beings are starting to understand just how precise and far-reaching these laws are. And the more we understand them, the more we can use that understanding […]
I was first introduced to these seven levels of awareness while on the Bob Proctor Cruise in October, 2007. Paul Martinelli, a business associate of Bob Proctor’s presented this information to us. Here are the seven levels: 7-Mastery 6-Experience 5-Discipline 4-Individual 3-Aspiration 2-Mass 1-Animal Starting at the lowest level of […]
I received this message and the youtube link from Steve Chandler and wanted to share it with you: “You don’t feel like using the recession as a kite uses the wind? Watch this video. Watch the young girls weeping for who they could really be if they woke up.” Steve Chandler.
Russell Fisher sent me the following and I liked it so much that I’m posting it here: From the book, Methods of Discovery, I found an interesting anecdote. “Daniel Chambliss wrote a paper called the “Mundanity of Excellence.” He spent five years studying competitive swimming. He coached from the local […]
No matter what the financial and economic “experts” may say … ‘BEHOLD — IT IS ALL VERY GOOD’ Listen up to WAYNE WILLIAMS in San Fernando, Trinidad & Tobago: Down here in the Caribbean, where I currently reside, the Government has recently announced that revisions will be made to their […]
In chapter 11 of The Science of Getting Rich, Wallace D. Wattles states this: “THOUGHT is the creative power, or the impelling force which causes the creative power to act; thinking in a Certain Way will bring riches to you, but you must not rely upon thought alone, paying no […]
Post submitted by Dave Christensen: This week’s Science of Getting Rich Club WAM raised a very thought-provoking question: “How do I create something from nothing?” At first pass, it seems it can’t be done. Isn’t that the realm of magic and illusion? How is it possible to create ANYTHING from “Nothing”? […]
Love is the highest frequency energy in the Universe. It is the positive energy that drives and powers the Universe. When you raise your own personal frequency—the frequency of your thoughts and emotions—to match the Universe, you will be floating along in concert with the Universe instead of going against […]
Changing lives; as told by Duane Spears: Some years ago, I attended a self-improvement seminar and the speaker was Jim Rohn. He said, “Everything matters in life, some things a little and some things a lot, we just don’t know which is which.” Moreover, I believed him. Now if I […]
We’ve all heard of the five senses: hearing, sight, smell, taste and touch. It is with these five senses that we interact and communicate with our environment. But how many of us have heard of the six faculties of the mind? Here are the six faculties in order of vibrational […]
“Man is what he thinks all day long.” Ralph Waldo Emerson This lesson is based on chapter 4 of “The Science of Getting Rich” which is entitled, “The First Principle in the Science of Getting Rich”. In this chapter, Wallace D. Wattles does a great job of teaching about the […]
I have been taught that we think in images; and I accept this as fact. If I say the word, “dog”, you most likely think of an image of a dog in your mind. The same thing holds true for just about any word I say. You don’t see the […]