Steven Ralph and Lisa Ann Sharp

The Seven Natural Laws Of The Universe

This universe that we live in operates in a very precise order. There are laws that govern how this universe operates. We, as human beings are starting to understand just how precise and far-reaching these laws are. And the more we understand them, the more we can use that understanding to help ourselves and others achieve amazing things in this life.

Wallace D. Wattles, in his book “The Science of Getting Rich” states this, “The ownership of money and property comes as a result of doing things in a certain way; those who do things in this Certain Way, whether on purpose or accidentally, get rich; while those who do not do things in this Certain Way, no matter how hard they work or how able they are, remain poor.” The certain way is by law. Therefore, a fundamental understanding of these natural laws of universe is essential. Here are the laws:

Energy Is

This is the overarching law. Everything in this universe is made up of energy. The lawn chair in the backyard, thoughts, the light from the Sun, everything. And energy cannot be created or destroyed, it just is. With his famous equation E= mc2, Albert Einstein proved that everything in the universe is energy. Both in the physical plane of our reality of matter and the abstract reality of our mind; they are all made of energy. And this concept of universal energy is not a new one. The ancient Chinese called this flow chi and the ancient Hindus called it prana.

Law 1: Perpetual Transmutation

Energy really has only one attribute: the ability to change. Energy cannot be created or destroyed, but it can be changed. Ancient dinosaurs ate plants and each other, died off and were buried under tons of earth for many, many years. The energy of their bodies was changed into petroleum. We humans have learned how to pump that petroleum out of the earth, distill it and make it into gasoline (among other things). We pump that gasoline into the tanks of our automobiles and the engine converts the energy of the gasoline into motion that carries us to different places. The law of perpetual transmutation states this very concept; that energy is constantly changing from one form to another. And we can either harness that energy to get things done, or we can let it move on to something else.

Law 2: Polarity

The law of polarity states that everything has its opposite. I like to refer to this law as one of the two “just is” laws. Everything just is. When we accept that everything just is, we can then choose how to look at it, how to perceive it. And the key to remember here is that everything can be perceived in more than one way.

Law 3: Vibration

The law of vibration states that everything vibrates, nothing rests. The only difference is density and amplitude of vibration. Going back to our list above: the lawn chair in the backyard, thoughts, the light from the Sun, everything is in a state of vibration. The law of vibration is the foundation for the law of attraction. A thing of a certain vibrational state will attract other things of the same vibrational state. The biggest mis-perception of the law of attraction is the idea that we attract what we want. What we really attract is what we are.

Law 4: Rhythm

The law of rhythm tells us that there are cycles, or rhythms to everything. The tide, the seasons, the orbit of the planets around the sun, our feelings, lives and health. Everything is in a rhythmic cycle. What I like about this law is that when I’m in a lower emotional state, I know that I will eventually return to a higher emotional state. And I am learning how to appreciate both the highs and the lows. They both have value. If I were in a constant high emotional state, I probably wouldn’t even know it because I wouldn’t have anything to compare it to. Being able to appreciate all aspects of the rhythmic cycles of life has been an important discovery.

Law 5: Relativity

This law is the other “just is” law. Everything just is. And nothing is either high or low, fast or slow, up or down, large or small until it is compared, or related to something else. Everything is relative. Understanding this law has helped me take judgement out of the equation. I observe something, and rather than placing an immediate judgement on the thing observed, I can accept the fact that it just is and respond, rather than react to it. I like to use the phrase, “Hmmm…that’s interesting. I wonder what that means”

Law 6: Cause and Effect

Emerson said that the law of cause and effect was the “law of laws”. Emerson put a great deal of emphasis on this law, and for very good reason. And there are many names for this law; the law of the harvest, what goes around comes around, karma, what you put out comes back, etc. In addition to these other names, Wallace Wattles made this statement, “The law of gratitude is the natural principle that action and reaction are always equal and in opposite directions. The grateful outreaching of your mind in thankful praise to the Supreme is a liberation or expenditure of force; it cannot fail to reach that to which it is addressed, and the reaction is an instantaneous movement towards you.”

Voltaire made a statement (and I’m paraphrasing here) that we invented words like chance, luck and miracle to explain the unknown causes of known effects. But the fact remains that every effect is caused by something and every cause has an effect.

Law 7: Gender

This law tells us that gender manifests in all things as masculine and feminine. Without the dual principle of male and female in all things, there could not be a difference of potential, perpetuation of motion, nor a regeneration. In addition, this law states that all seeds have a gestation or incubation period before they manifest. This means that when a goal is set (and remember that thoughts are spiritual seeds), there is a definite period of time that must elapse before that goal will manifest itself in the physical world.

These 7 natural laws are discussed at length in the book, “The Kybalion“, by Three Initiates.

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