Lisa subscribes to an email list from “The Art Of Being Human” by Ernest Holm Svendsen. She recently received an interesting email with the title, “Letting Go of ‘Because'” Here is what was included in that email: Dear Lisa, When doing The Work, I often notice how “because” slips into […]
On Saturday, October 19th, the 14th annual “Cars In The Park” car show was held in Shawnee Mission Park in Shawnee, Kansas. After parking my truck and walking to the entrance of the car show, I passed this corvette in the parking lot. It wasn’t in the show, but it […]
In 2013, I visited Arches National Park twice; once in March and once in July. I took lots of photos during both of those trips. During the March trip, the sky was a bit overcast and rather a dull, grey color. Here is an example of the original photo with […]
In June, Lisa and I adopted Tucker, a Miniature Schnauzer. We’ve known Tucker since he was a puppy, so it was like being reunited with an old friend; which is exactly what it was. I’ve been taking Tucker on two walks a day, one in the morning and one in […]
I’ve been working from home since the start of the Covid Pandemic in early 2020, and I’ve really enjoyed it. I actually end up putting in more time at work than I did before, and I feel that with the extra time I put in, I’m just as, if not […]
This is a continuation of my adventures with ON1 Photo Raw, Photoshop and the Aquarelleum plugin by Profactions I found this skull at Savers and liked the colors of the skull on top of the pool balls Skyler’s home Horton, our favorite elephant The living room in the AirBnB where […]
Lisa and I spent three months in Las Vegas so that we could spend some time with our son, Skyler and his family. While we were there, I played around some more with ON1 Photo Raw, Photoshop and the Aquarelleum Photoshop plugin by Profactions. Here are a few of the […]
Here are some of my photos of animals that I have recently revisited in Photoshop using the Aquarelleum plugin by Profactions.
At one point in the “The Beatles: Get Back” documentary, John Lennon says, “And now, your host for this evening, the Bottles.” I collect blue glass bottles, along with a few bottles of other colors, too, and just couldn’t resist making this image with four of the bottles in my […]
I use the On1 Photo Raw application on my macbook to develop the digital photos I take. I typically leave the photos alone after developing them with On1 Photo Raw, but I was introduced to a Photoshop plugin called Aquarelleum that was developed by Profactions. I purchased a copy of […]
Ever since the beginning of the pandemic when I started working from home, I haven’t taken as many photos as I was pre-pandemic. Commuting to and from work each day prior to the pandemic gave me many opportunities to see lots of interesting things and sights to photograph. Staying at […]