Finn and Leon were still not having any luck figuring out what coats were and why they would need them, when they came across a group of kids holding hands. They noticed that the kids weren’t wearing any coats, either. Finn yelled across the street to ask the kids what […]
Finn and Leon
A nice passerby who saw Finn and Leon walking along the road on New Year’s Eve, asked them where they were going and what their plans were for the New Year’s Eve celebration. Leon, having traveled quite a bit and also having spent a lot of time in New York […]
Finn and Leon still hadn’t found any coats. But to be honest, they weren’t even sure what they would use coats for! A nice passerby had once said that coats keep you warm when its cold outside. But neither Finn nor Leon ever felt the cold outside, especially when they […]
“Hey, what are those silver things up there?”, asked Finn. “Those are special containers”, answered Leon. “Oh”, replied Finn, “but what are they for?” Leon didn’t have a clue, so he did his usual thing and made up an answer. But what is important about his made up answer is […]
Finn and Leon were walking through a neighborhood, all decked-out in their elf costumes when a nice passerby told them they looked a little flushed. So the nice passerby invited them inside. Finn and Leon, wondering if the guy was just being a card, decided to ante up and go […]
Finn and Leon had just watched “Elf” and thought it would be fun to be elves, too. So they are! Merry Christmas from Finn and Leon!
Finn and Leon were sitting around after climbing out of the Christmas stockings, wondering what they were going to do next. Leon, having traveled quite a bit said, “I’ve heard that baseball is America’s favorite pastime. How ’bout we go do the baseball pastime thing?” Finn wasn’t sure what the […]
Finn and Leon were chatting with a nice stuffed dog when they heard a noise. “Quick, jump up into the Christmas stockings before the big dog gets us!” yelled Leon. So both Finn and Leon made a huge jump and they each landed inside a stocking. But the nice stuffed […]
Finn and Leon still hadn’t found any coats. They had been looking for a few days, but there just weren’t any coats to be found! “I guess that means we don’t need any coats”, said Finn. “Nope, we don’t,” agreed Leon. But while looking for coats, they found something that […]
Finn and Leon hadn’t been outside since their treemendous day, so they decided that they would go out and play in the snow. But when they got outside, they were surprised by all the green grass that they could see. “Where did the snow go?”, asked Finn. Leon didn’t have […]
The day was a bit overcast, but only slightly chilly. Not that the clouds or the temperature really had anything to do with anything, it was just an observation that was made by someone who observes. And not having made that observation themselves, Finn and Leon just ran around, having […]
Not too long after doing all the dishes and playing in the snow, Finn and Leon spent some time with their good friend, Taylor. They mostly just hung around the fridge. Finn is pretty tricky with those ears! Thanks for playing with Finn and Leon, Taylor! They had fun!
Finn and Leon were now fully recovered from the tiring pressure of checking the tire pressure on the car that the nice passerby drove to take them to the nice thanksgiving dinner at the nice people’s house. They had a GREAT thanksgiving dinner! And not only did they have a […]
It seems that Finn and Leon are always trying to get somewhere but are never quite sure how to go about it. This time, they wanted to go to a nice home for a nice thanksgiving dinner. A nice passerby heard them talking about that and offered to take them […]
As Finn and Leon were standing on the back of the train, they wondered why the train wasn’t going anywhere. It appeared to be a full-size train and all, but it just wasn’t moving! They had been standing on the back of the train for a few days when a […]