As Finn and Leon made their way back from where they were to where they’re weren’t, it started to rain. Actually, it just continued to rain. It had been raining for quite some time. “I like the rain”, said Finn. “Yes, I like it too, but it’s very wet”, said Leon. “It’s so wet that I’m wet, too”, he added. Finn agreed that Leon was getting very wet. And Finn noticed that he was getting very wet, too.
“I’ve heard that umbrellas are dry”, said Leon. “Maybe we could stand next to an umbrella and it would help us get dry”, he added. So they did. Finn and Leon stood next to an umbrella to try and get dry. But one umbrella didn’t seem to be enough to get them dry, cuz they were still wet. So they started gathering a bunch of umbrellas. And still no luck, they were as wet as ever.
“Ah well”, sighed Finn, “I like the rain”.