I have a habit of spending time at thrift stores. One of my favorite thrift stores to go to is Savers, and while I was in Las Vegas, I went to the Savers there. On one of my visits to a Las Vegas Savers, I saw this model sailboat. I really liked the colors. I didn’t feel the need to buy the sailboat, but I did stop and take a photo of it.

I thought that this photo would be a good one to practice using the select tool in Photoshop and then replace the background with something besides all the other stuff that is in the background. And I was right, it was good practice.
In one of the two Las Vegas AirBnB’s where we stayed, there was a table that had a really cool and colorful texture:

So I took a photo of the top of the table and used it as the background for the sailboat photo:

After combining the sailboat and the table top image, I ran it through the Aquarelleum Photoshop plugin by Profactions and came up with this image:

I like the way it turned out, and I enjoyed the effort it took in Photoshop to put it all together.