“Hey Leon.”
“Yes, Finn?”
“What are we doing here in front of these books?”

“We seem to be acting like placeholders for something that the photographer guy is waiting for.”
“That makes me think that maybe we’re just bookmarks. What could he possibly be waiting for?”
“I don’t know, Finn, but it can’t be anything very exciting.”
“I think you’re right. But standing here in front of these books isn’t very exciting, either.”
It was at this point in time that the photographer guy finally chimed in to let Finn and Leon know what was going on.
He proceeded to tell them that he was just trying to take a photograph using light from the side of the scene, rather than from above, below, in back, or in front.
Finn then spoke up and said, “You could have done a better job. This photo is rather boring.”
It was at this point that Finn and Leon went outside to play on the swings.

“Hey photographer guy!”, yelled Leon, “this is a boring photo, too. And there’s no one to push us on the swings”
The photographer guy just shook his head and responded by saying that these photos and this post are just placeholders while he thinks of something more interesting to photograph and to post about.
“Leon, does that mean he thinks we aren’t interesting?”
“Yes, Finn, I think the photographer guy thinks we’re boring.”
This episode of the Finn and Leon saga is inspired by Nicolesy’s 52 Photo Challenge topics, “side light” and “sense of scale”, although the photographer guy admits he hasn’t been feeling very inspired to actually do something interesting. That’s not Nicolesy’s fault, but we will blame Finn and Leon; after all, they’re just stuffed socks