“Hey, Leon, where did all these rubber ducks come from?” asked Finn. “Dunno, but I think we’ll need an umbrella”, replied Leon. “You mean a duckbrella?”, asked Finn. “Could be, and we still don’t know where all these rubber ducks are coming from”, added Leon. “I think it’s the silly photographer guy who’s dropping the ducks in front of us”, observed Finn. “I think he’s taking pictures”, he added. “I hope he told his camera to take fast pictures. I don’t like blurry rubber ducks”, said Leon. “We can only hope, Leon, but I’m guessing he’s taking slow pictures, he looks like he’s a bit slow himself.”

“Yup, and they just keep comin'”

“Hey Leon”. “Yes, Finn?” “I think the ducks have stopped falling”

“Whoa, and that’s a BIG ONE!”

“Yup, it is!”
This episode of the Finn and Leon saga is inspired by Nicolesy’s 52 Photo Challenge topic, “motion blur”.