Lisa and I were sitting on the couch when she got a call from Susanna; a call that she was expecting. Lisa’s chats with Susanna typically last at least an hour, and sometimes longer. I’m really glad that Lisa and Susanna stay in touch!
Just before the call came in, Lisa asked me what I was going to do while she was talking with Susanna. I told her I didn’t know for sure, but that I would find something. It was 7:00pm and the thought came to me that I should drive over to Lake Olathe Park to see if I could grab a photo of the sunset. So I did.
I wasn’t sure what I would find because I chose to go to a section of the park that I had never visited before. The section I chose to visit is on the North end of the park. Prior to this visit, I had only ever been on the South side of the Park where there is a Disc Golf course.
On the North side of the park there is an area called, “Beaver Shelter”, and that’s where I parked my truck. I grabbed my camera and started walking along the trails. Off to the right of the trails, I could see the lake with the sun setting behind it. I was hoping that maybe I could get a photo that included the lake with the sunset being reflected in it. As I continued to walk along the trail, I noticed a smaller trail leading off to the right towards the lake. I took that little trail and came across a dead, but still standing, tree on the shore of the lake. Perfect! I was able to grab this photo: