I found this leaf the other day and was wondering what I would do with it. It looks like I decided on taking a photo of it. Of course, no photo of a leaf is complete without including a rubber duck. And with that being said, I’ve taken lots of photos of leaves and this is the first one where I’ve included a rubber duck.

This yellow duck is one of a set of three that my Dad owned. The other two are not yellow; one is green and one is purple. My Dad had these ducks sitting on the dash of his truck, and they weren’t in a row. He would sit there in his truck and tell these three ducks his woes. The ducks would listen intently to everything that he would say and when he was done talking to them, they would always reply, “Oh well, it don’t matter”
It’s now several hours after I originally published this post. As I re-read it, I thought to myself, “Why didn’t I include all three of my Dad’s ducks in the photo?” So I remedied that situation. Here’s the photo with all three of the “Oh well, it don’t matter” ducks.