A friend at work recently posted this on Facebook after we learned that two of our fellow workmates were leaving the company. I like it so much and I agree with his sentiments, so I’m sharing it here:
I have great colleagues… Well in truth they are my friends. Both past and present… I have been in the “IT” world for some time. One thing I have learned about my chosen profession is that there is constant change. Change is the nature of ”IT”. New languages and systems are developed at the speed of light. The first age, the primary languages, literal grammatical punch cards are cave paintings.. almost too primitive but still beautiful and powerful… The current gen is the one millisecond age of lambda functions, micro web services on a serverless web, and AI application rendering complex data maps of the modern world. The world, the system is change.. So it is safe to say change has become my everyday friend… But here’s the rub.. Change is fickle.. Not all change is equivalent… Take the change of a colleague(s)… I never seem prepared for this change and there have been many.. Again it is the nature of “IT”… I’m often reminded of “The Crimson Permanent Assurance”… There is a certain comfort in the life of a pirate in the modern world… Please don’t misunderstand.. I’m not talking about corporate piracy.. I’m talking about the idea that a group of rebel minds can get together, post their colors and change the modern world… There is a brotherhood that develops within a group with common purpose and file cabinet cannons… So here it is… The honest bit.. I do miss my friends, my colleagues, my fellow shipmates… The hallways and water cooler never again have the same sound.. It changes.. At some point the sound becomes comfortable again… But it just isn’t the same.. So my friends.. know that you are missed and not forgotten.. I hope which ever ocean you find yourself on that your sails are full and port is within sight… Cheers mates..
Justin S.