My Son, Skyler texted me this morning to tell me how cool he thought the crescent moon looked as it came up over the horizon. What he liked about it was how the crescent was positioned. I went out to look at it and, sure enough, it looked pretty cool. It looked to me as if the crescent was pointing down towards the Earth. It also looked like a smile. I continued to admire it and I contemplated taking a photo of it, but it was still too dark to get anything else in a photo with the moon. Photos of the moon by itself are cool, but I really like seeing earthly things in photos with the moon; it gives it a sense of perspective, or something like that. So I waited until I got into downtown Salt Lake before attempting a photo. This is the one I was able to capture. The clock tower is on the City and County Building on 4th South and State Street. Thanks, Sky!