As Finn was lying there, thinking about nothing in particular, Leon said something. “What did you just say?”, asked Finn. “I can hear a funny noise.”, replied Leon.
“Oh”, said Finn.
Finn continued to lie there, thinking about nothing in particular. Leon said it again, “I can hear a funny noise.”
“Oh”, said Finn.
“Don’t you hear it?”, asked Leon.
“Yup”, replied Finn.
“Don’t you think we should figure out what it is?”, asked Leon. Finn, not really wanting to get up from his comfortable prone position, reluctantly agreed to get up and go with Leon to find out what the funny noise was.
They wandered into the bathroom where Leon thought the noise might be coming from. The funny noise was the sound the dripping water was making on the floor under the toilet tank. Finn said to Leon, “I’m OK with the noise, it’s a nice soundtrack to the cool designs the water is making on the floor.” And with that comment, Finn started to head back to his comfortable lounge-place. Leon grabbed him and said, “We’re going to fix it!”.
“Oh boy.”, sighed Finn.