Leon had been trying to get the red bike to actually move. But after a few days of not getting anywhere, he decided that Finn was probably right and this wasn’t a bike after all. Actually, he just thought the pedals were broken. So he hoped that someone would come by and fix the pedals and then he hopped down. With both he and Finn back on the ground, they continued their search. And they soon saw another bike!
From down on the ground, this bike looked like it didn’t have any pedals, either. Undaunted, Leon climbed up on the seat to see if maybe the pedals on this bike would be easier to see from up there. As he stood there, he tried REALLY hard to see pedals. But it didn’t seem to matter how hard he tried, the pedals just couldn’t be seen. Finn just waited on the ground.
“I know!”, exclaimed Leon. “The pedals are locked so that no one can steal the bike! Yeah, that’s it!” he added. Finn just waited on the ground.
While Finn was patiently waiting on the ground, Leon spent a day hoping that standing there on the seat in just a certain way would unlock the pedals so that he could see them. Alas, it did not work. And Finn just waited on the ground.

Finn continued to wait for Leon to figure out that the pedals must have been taken by the owner and that they wouldn’t come back until the owner did. Besides, this bike looked like it was too heavy to pedal very far. Leon continued to stand on the bike, waiting for the pedals to appear.