Finn and Leon had another opportunity to visit a nice warm place. The nice thing about the nice warm place was that it wasn’t cold like it was in the nice cold place they usually visited. Not that they really cared about the temperature. Because, even in the nice cold place, they didn’t wear coats. Which was a OK with them, since they still didn’t know what coats were.
But anyway, while they were in the nice warm place, they came across an interesting, round concrete thing. They stood there for a few hours, staring at the interesting, round concrete thing when they finally decided to climb up on top. From on top of the interesting, round concrete thing, they could see a bit further than before and they saw all sorts of cool, interesting things that they couldn’t see from down below.
As they continued to stand there on top of the interesting, round concrete thing, a passer-by came and plopped an orange cone on top of Leon’s head.

Leon was a bit shocked by this sudden event that he wasn’t in the least bit expecting. As he stood there with the orange cone on his head, he got frustrated that he couldn’t see the things he could see before. And as he continued to stand there with the orange cone on his head, thinking about what happened, he got more and more frustrated. Finn, not sure that he understood what was going on said, “Actually narrator Duckie, I’m quite positive that I don’t understand what is going on. Leon is standing here acting all frustrated that the orange cone was slammed on his head. I think it’s quite silly that he is acting so frustrated. I realize that I don’t know very much, but it appears to me that his frustration is a result of how obsessed he is with the past. Why doesn’t he just stop being obsessed with the past and get out from underneath the orange cone so we can continue to see things from on top of this interesting, round concrete thing?”
Leon, having overheard Finn’s comments to me, decided that Finn had a point. So he stopped being obsessed with the past and noticed that as soon as he let go of his obsession with the past, the frustration he was feeling went away, too!
Finn and Leon then just stood there, enjoying the view from on top of the interesting, round concrete thing and also enjoying the warm weather.