Finn and Leon were walking along, minding their own business, which is what they do best, when they noticed a thing sitting inside a place. They wandered over to the thing that was sitting inside a place to get a closer look. As they got closer, the thing looked bigger than it did when they were further away from the thing. Finn commented on how it looked bigger as they got closer. Leon, ever the clever one said, “Of course it looks bigger. That’s because it actually is bigger now than it was before. Things shrink and grow as we get closer or farther away. It has to do with that prospective thing.” Finn, ever the one to believe what Leon says, appreciated the fact that Leon had, what he thought was, the right answer.

“Let’s take this thing for a spin”, suggested Leon. “OK”, agreed Finn. So they climbed up onto the seat and immediately started to wonder how they were going to get the thing to move. “It’s not moving”, noticed Leon. “As always, you’re right!”, exclaimed Finn. Then Leon suggested to Finn that he be the one to hop down to see if he could find the reason it wasn’t moving. Finn thought that was a wonderful idea. So down he went.

As Finn stood next to the thing, the answer as to why the thing wasn’t moving became very obvious to him. “We don’t have a key!”, he yelled up to Leon. “Oh well, maybe next time”, said Leon.