Finn and Leon were still not having any luck figuring out what coats were and why they would need them, when they came across a group of kids holding hands. They noticed that the kids weren’t wearing any coats, either. Finn yelled across the street to ask the kids what they were doing there in the middle of the street without coats, but they didn’t answer.
So Finn and Leon sauntered over to where the kids were to get a closer look at what was going on. As they got closer, they noticed that the kids seemed to be rather flat. Finn asked Leon why they were flat. Leon responded by saying that they had been hit by a steam-roller and that the steam-roller driver felt bad about it, so he stopped his steam-roller, got out and stood the kids up in the middle of the street. “It was a monumental undertaking”, added Leon. Finn, as always, was WAY impressed that Leon knew so much!