Finn and Leon were chatting with a nice stuffed dog when they heard a noise. “Quick, jump up into the Christmas stockings before the big dog gets us!” yelled Leon. So both Finn and Leon made a huge jump and they each landed inside a stocking. But the nice stuffed dog didn’t jump high enough! He only made it as far as the top of the grate.

Shaking in their stockings, Finn and Leon were wondering what would happen to the nice stuffed dog. But they didn’t have to wonder for very long. The nice stuffed dog was able to run away before the big dog even realized it. Whew!

“Leon, what are these stockings doing hanging here?”, asked Finn. “I mean, besides providing us with convenient hiding places”, he added. Leon remembered hearing once that the Christmas stockings would get stuffed with candy and stuff on Christmas morning. That gave Finn a good idea, “We’re socks, so why don’t we hang here instead and then we can get stuffed with candy!” “OK”, said Leon.