Finn and Leon, thinking that they were starting to become famous, felt the need to walk around in disguise. They thought that this was necessary in order to avoid being recognized by all of their crazed fans. “We have crazed fans?” asked Finn. “Well…no”, replied Leon.

The only person who actually bothered to walk by, and who recognized them immediately was Grinch. He came by, saw them standing in the bushes, didn’t say anything about their silly mustaches, and invited them in for a drink. “What kind of drink?”, asked both Finn and Leon. “Oh, a delightful drink!”, replied Grinch. “It’s the drink that I drink when I drink by the sink!” he added. “When you drink of this drink, you’ll only partially stink! But I promise it won’t cause your nails to turn pink!”. All of that sounded sort of OK to Finn and Leon, but it made them wonder if drinking that drink is what made the Collapsible Frink collapse in a heap and fall fast asleep. In fact, number forty thousand four hundred and four; that’s the number I think.