“I’ve been thinking”, Finn said to Leon. “What about?”, asked Leon. “I’m not sure”, replied Finn. “Then how do you know you’ve been thinking?”, asked Leon. Finn didn’t respond to that one.
Then, as Finn and Leon were standing on the train tracks, Finn said to Leon again, “I’ve been thinking.” This second declaration really started Leon wondering what Finn was thinking about and whether or not he really was thinking. As he was wondering, Finn asked, “why do we only have eyes in the front of our heads?”
Leon didn’t know what to say in response to that one. But a nice passerby, who was reading a book while passing by, quoted the following poem from the book he was reading:
“I knew a man who had four eyes.
He claimed to be so very wise.
Two eyes in the back of his head.
Closed only when he went to bed.
He saw much more than you or me.
A great wizard he claimed to be.
He saw ahead, he saw behind-
This, he said, improved his mind.
His claims I don’t mean to deride
But the bus that hit him came from the side.”
Finn and Leon thanked the nice passerby. Then they asked him who wrote the poem and what the title was. The nice passerby said the poem was entitled “The Man With Four Eyes” by Dean Koontz and that it could be found in his book “The Paper Doorway – Funny Verse and Nothing Worse”. They thanked the nice passerby again. Then Leon said to Finn, “I think we should get off of these train tracks.” “Good idea”, replied Finn.