My Grandson Emerson asked me to post pictures of my rubber ducks, so here are photos of 239 rubber ducks, and 4 glass ducks from my collection. This page is for you, Emerson, I love you!
- Papa Ralph’s ducks
The purple, yellow and green ducks that are together in the same photo were owned by my Dad, Ralph “Papa” Sharp. He had those very same ducks sitting on the dashboard of his truck. When he was feeling down or overwhelmed, he would talk out loud to the ducks and tell them his woes. In his mind they always responded to what he said with these words, “Oh well, it don’t matter, life goes on.” And he would smile and keep moving forward. That’s why I kept those three ducks together in the same photograph; they’re very special ducks and they remind me to smile, laugh and enjoy life.
And here are my alphabet ducks. However, two of my alphabet ducks, F and V, have taken ill and can’t be found, so the letters F and V are represented here by their understudies. Enjoy!
- Angel
- Bee
- Cow
- Dog
- Elephant
- Flower
- Giraffe
- Horse
- Icing
- Jester
- Kangaroo
- Leopard
- Monster
- Ninja
- Owl
- Pig
- Queen
- Rooster
- Sheep
- Tiger
- Unicorn
- Vulcan
- Wizard
- X-Ray
- Yellow
- Zebra
And here’s a fun little fact about the D Dalmatian Dog Duck. Emerson and his family came over to visit one day in late 2015. Emerson was maybe nine or ten months old at the time. While all the adults were talking, Emerson started playing with the alphabet ducks and when the time came for his family to go back home, he still had the D Dog Duck in his hand. So the D Dog Duck was inadvertently kidnapped, and the event became known as the “Great Dog Duck Abducktion of 2015”. As you can see, the D Dog Duck made it back home with his alphabet friends And he had a fun time visiting with Emerson!

This last photo is to show you how big the largest rubber duck is in my collection compared to the regular-sized rubber duck, one of the smallest rubber ducks and the tiny glass duck. The big yellow duck is 7 3/4 inches tall, the green duck is 3 inches tall, the blue duck is 1 3/8 inches tall and the little glass duck is 7/16 of an inch tall.
The little yellow glass duck feels pretty special; he appears on this page three different times!