Lisa subscribes to an email list from “The Art Of Being Human” by Ernest Holm Svendsen. She recently received an interesting email with the title, “Letting Go of ‘Because'” Here is what was included in that email: Dear Lisa, When doing The Work, I often notice how “because” slips into […]
Here are a few quotes that I have collected and a few photos of garden hoses that I have taken. I’m sharing them here because, why not? “Never let the future disturb you. You will meet it, if you have to, with the same weapons of reason which today arm […]
The phrase “Be Useful” strikes me as being at the heart of what it means to live happily on this earth. It is actually a truncation of the phrase, “learn to be useful.” As we grow up we have to learn how to be useful, since as babies, we’re incapable […]
I’m sitting down to write this without a clear picture of how I want to convey what has been floating around in my thoughts, off-and-on, over the last year or so. I’m just going to start writing and let the revisions happen. There are many, many great ideas discussed in […]
My son, Cory, was having an online conversation, probably on Facebook, about Capitalism. Here is an excerpt from that conversation by someone who goes by the handle “AM”: “Self-made is a fallacy, I’m a firm believer in the concept of “Ubuntu.” That I am because we are. This notion of […]
I subscribe to an email list from a guy named Philip Shepherd. I have attended one of his workshops and I have read one of his books. I appreciate his unique approach to life and the way he shares that approach with others. Here is a link to his latest […]
I was having a “Leonard Cohen” weekend; listening to all the recorded music of his that I own. One of my favorite albums of Leonard’s is “Live In London”, which was recorded in 2009. When I got to the song, “If It Be Your Will”, which on this album is […]
The other day, I was reading in “Meditations” the compilation of the writings of Marcus Aurelius, as translated by George Long. In book IV, Section 3 of that book, I came across the following: Men seek retirement in the country, on the seacoast, in the mountains; and you too have […]
I was recently, and by recently, I mean, “sometime before today” introduced to the website, “Daily Stoic“. I have really liked the little essays that are published on this site; it’s worth taking a gander! They’re also on Facebook. One of the concepts that this site introduced me to is […]
In 1986, Byron Katie discovered four simple questions and a turn-around that helped her learn to be at peace. She realized that all suffering is caused by believing our thoughts, and the only way to relieve the suffering is to question our thoughts. She calls these four questions and the […]
I found myself listening to a “So Here’s My Story” podcast entitled, “Vibrancy In The Low Places” (episode 34). I have actually found myself in the last few months listening to all of their podcasts; I really like what they have to say and the way they say it. […]
Susanna Barlow, a very good friend of ours, is an amazing author who has written many articles on a wide range of subjects. We recommend that you peruse her website for some amazing insights. She is also quite the insightful artist. She recently painted these four Kanji words for Lisa. […]
On Sunday, May 10, 2009, I watched a segment by Jeff Greenfield on CBS’s “Sunday Morning” news show with Charles Osgood and have transcribed it here. It is entitled, “Blackberry Mania” Charles Osgood: An underground trolley collision in Boston Friday night injured 49 people, including a train operator who reportedly […]