As much as Leon has traveled, you would think that he would be more experienced with the use of seat belts. But, no. Finn had asked Leon whether they should put their seatbelts on, but Leon assured him that it wasn’t necessary. This is how they started while riding in […]
Veestn Rhasp
63 posts
Neither Finn nor Leon had ever been to a meeting before, so they decided to go and attend one. They didn’t seem to care that there were so many different kinds of meetings that they could attend. Their knowledge and experience (the same thing?) about meetings was so limited that […]
Hi, my name is Veestn Rhasp. I started writing in this blog today after meeting two, um… well… things. These two things look like they were made from socks. But I don’t mind and in fact, that’s one of the things that makes them so lovable! And after all, I’m […]