“What are you looking at, Leon?” asked Finn.
“I’m looking at all of those bricks on this wall”, replied Leon.
“Hmmm, I wonder why they put all those bricks on the wall.” said Finn.
“I wonder that, too, Finn. It seems to me that all of those bricks on the wall are just covering up a perfectly good wall.”
“Now I wonder what the wall would look like if it weren’t covered up with all those bricks.”, said Finn.
“I wonder that, too Finn and I think I know why. They realized that the wall they already had wasn’t taking up enough space, so they added bricks to make it bigger.”
“Well I think it’s a horrible idea to cover up a perfectly good wall with all those bricks!”, added Finn.
“Don’t be so negative, Finn, there’s plenty of space for a bigger wall, and what else are they going to do with a bunch of bricks?”, declared Leon.
“You’re right, Leon, I hadn’t thought of that,” admitted Finn.

“Hey Leon.”
“Yes, Finn?”
“We found another brick wall.”
“Yes, Finn, we did.”
“Does finding another brick wall make a pattern?”
“No, Finn, I don’t think it does. I think it takes more than two of something to make a pattern.”
“Yes, you’re probably right about that, Leon. But at least this time we have some chairs to sit on. I hope that becomes a pattern; I don’t like standing all the time.”
“But Finn, you’re not sitting on the chair; you’re standing on it.”
“Yes, I know, Leon, that’s definitely been the pattern of my life; my legs are too short to bend.”
“I’m sorry, Finn.”
“That’s OK, Leon, I really don’t mind because I don’t weigh enough for my legs to get tired.”

This episode of the Finn and Leon saga is inspired by two of Nicolesy’s 52 Photo Challenge topics, “negative space” and “patterns”.