“OK, is everybody lined up behind me?”, asked Leon. “I’m the leader in this line and everybody should be lined up behind me!”, he added somewhat emphatically. “What are we going to do?”, asked Finn. “We’re going to go for a ride on the slide!”, shouted Leon. He went on to explain that everybody would get one turn to ride up the slide. “But aren’t we supposed to ride down the slide?”, asked Finn. “That seems like the right way to have fun on a slide.” he added. “That’s ridiculous. Who ever thinks that that is the right way to ride on a slide, has never been on a slide.” responded Leon. “Whatever you say, Leon. We’re all lined up behind you and we’re ready to have fun on the slide.” said Finn. The rest of the gang just sort of mumbled their agreement, not really understanding what was going on.

The “rest of the gang” is made of of a few of Finn’s and Leon’s friends:

This episode of the Finn and Leon saga is inspired by Nicolesy’s 52 Photo Challenge topic, “leading lines”.
Finn, who sometimes has some very good insights, at least at those times when he’s not acquiescing to Leon’s supposed superiority, had this to say:
“The photographer guy who took these pictures of me, Leon, Truly, Rafi and Boris, was trying to apply the “leading lines” concept to the photo on the grass by the slide. He took several photos from slightly different heights in his attempt and he made us stand there in the cold with the wind blowing while he did it. It was chilly. When he was done taking photos, he took us inside and let us peruse the photos with him, he chose the one that is at the top of this post, but then I asked him to look at them again so that I could point out that this one

is probably a better interpretation of “leading lines” because it has two lines: one made by the slide, and one from the line made by where the grass and the fence meet, both of those lines leading to us. He thanked me for my observation, but he wouldn’t change the photo. He did, however, add it to the bottom of the post, along with what I told him. That’s something, I guess.”