Finn saw the garbage can sitting on the street next to the curb and got the idea that it would be a nice gesture to bring it up to the house. Leon agreed.
So Leon grabbed the handles and Finn pushed from the other side. Even though the can was empty, they still struggled with it and had gone about 10 feet when Leon wondered if Finn was really pushing. So he let go of the handles, which caused the can to stand back up straight, and climbed on top to see if Finn was helping. What he saw was Finn, lying down on the job, no less!

“Hey, what are you doing there lying down on the job?!”, yelled Leon. “It was your suggestion to move the garbage can and I seem to be the only one doing the work!, he added. Just then, a nice passerby, who had been watching their efforts to move the can, told Leon that Finn had been helping, but that when Leon let go of the handles, which caused the can to stand back up, the can landed right on top of Finn. “Oh, I didn’t realize that”, said Leon. So Leon apologized to Finn.

Finn didn’t get mad at Leon for squishing him with the garbage can or for accusing him of lying down on the job. He just smiled and said, “That’s OK, it’s just the way I like it. But if you could hurry and get the can off of me, I’d like that, too.”