Finn and Leon still hadn’t found any coats. But to be honest, they weren’t even sure what they would use coats for! A nice passerby had once said that coats keep you warm when its cold outside. But neither Finn nor Leon ever felt the cold outside, especially when they were inside.
But even though they didn’t know what coats really were or where to find them, they felt like they should find something that would keep them warm when it was cold outside. The nice passerby wouldn’t have said it if it weren’t true, right? “I know”, said Leon, “when I was traveling once, I heard someone talking about warm snow boots!” “Cool!”, shouted Finn, “what are warm snow boots?” “That’s easy”, replied Leon, “warm snow boots are boots that are made out of warm snow!” “Oh”, said Finn, “you always know the right answer!” “But where do we find warm snow boots?”, asked Leon. “I don’t know. But while we’re looking for warm snow boots, how ’bout we try these silly looking things?”, said Finn. “Good idea”, replied Leon.