Finn mentioned to Leon that he had never trekked out to see the stars. And he was wondering what it was like to see the stars. Leon, being such an accomplished traveler said that seeing star trek was a lot of fun and that he should do it.
As is the case with most of the ideas that Finn and Leon had, they weren’t quite sure how to get started with their trek to see the stars, or their “star trek” as Leon put it. Although Finn wasn’t sure what that meant. He started to wonder about what it meant, but was quickly distracted by the excitement of seeing something he had never seen before!
A friendly passerby overheard their conversation and suggested that if they wanted to see a Star Trek convention, they should check for information on the internet, or the “web”. They weren’t sure if they heard him correctly and thought that he had said “interweb” and something about a yahoo crawling on the interweb with a google, or a gaggle, or a giggle or some such thing. That made absolutely no sense to either Finn or Leon. They couldn’t figure out what spiders had to do with it. Maybe the spiders were now connecting their webs together like condominiums and that is what they were calling an “interweb”.
The idea of spiders connecting their webs together into an interweb sparked a thought in Leon’s mind. He remembered seeing a lot of spider webs somewhere in a place kinda far from where they were at the time. He also remembered that it was quite green, with lots of plants and stuff.
Having no clear idea as to where they were really going or what they were going to do when they got there, other than see the spider’s interwebs and trek out to see stars, they started walking. A family of people saw them walking along the road and offered to take them to where they were going. Finn and Leon tried their best to explain where they were headed, but were SO excited about it, that they jumbled their words all up, got tongue tied and tripped on the curb. So the family helped them out and put them in their car.
The family’s destination was a camp site near the Smith and Morehouse reservoir. When the car came to a halt at the campsite, both Finn and Leon jumped out and started running around to find the spider’s interweb. But it was too dark to really see the webs, since the sun had already gone down. So they looked up into the sky and saw stars! They both agreed that this wasn’t a conventional trek to see stars, but it was fun!