In their quest for adventures, Finn and Leon found this funny little room with a set of sliding doors and lots of buttons. Leon, the more traveled of the two, spoke up and said that he thought it was an Elven Vader. Finn wasn’t sure if that was true and asked if an Elven Vader was anything like a Darth Vader. Leon didn’t think so.
As they stood there in the hall, looking at this little room with the set of sliding doors, a passerby heard them talking and informed them that they were looking at an elevator and that it had nothing to do with Darth Vader or Elves or even Uncle Owen or Aunt Beru. They thanked the nice passerby and continued standing there, staring at the little room.
They stared so long that the doors closed. But they were patient (mainly because they were confused as to what would happen next) and waited, and the doors reopened. And as they did reopen, Finn and Leon decided to go in the little room. But they weren’t sure which one should go in first. Leon said, “You’re shorter, you go in first.” But Finn said, “You’re taller, you go in first.” As they continued to argue back and forth, the same passerby passed by again and said, “The one closest to the door should go in first and hold the elevator door open button for everyone else who wants to get on.”
“OK”, they said.